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OSTF Minutes11-02-2009
Minutes of the Meeting
October 5, 2009

Pat Botteron, , Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Carol Heffler, Betty Osborne  Betty Warren, Louise Evans

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:38 pm.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
Minutes of the September meeting were accepted.

New Business
Matt Galligan, Town Manager, attended the meeting to clarify what the OSTF could do now that the referendum was placed on the ballot.  As individuals we can speak for the referendum.  We cannot use public property to promote the referendum.  Individuals on the OSTF can spend personal money.

Roy Normen asked Matt Galligan about moving the signs at Wapping Park.  He would like the sign moved from the end of the lot to the front of Clark Street.  He would also like to add to the sign on Ellington Road that parking is on Clark Street.

Pat Botteron reported on Property Updates.  There is no word on walking any new properties.  Matt Galligan has the authority from the Town Council to negotiate one of the reviewed properties. Another property under review may consider subdividing.  

The Wapping Park Open House planned for October 25th was discussed.  Pat will go to the Town Council meeting this evening and the next council meeting to make an announcement of the event.  Karl Reichle is working with the DEP. Marcia Banach is working with an archeological group. Louise Evans is working with Raptor Rehabilitator Teresa Kramer and TAC. Jeff Folger is contacting the Down to Earth Club.  The 3 trails should be finished and the Walk and Wheels group will give the tours.  Pat Botteron will contact Ray Favreau or Clay Majors to move a portable potty on site.  We will request 6 tables for the event.  Since the boy scouts have done so much work on the property, it would be nice to have them involved in the ribbon cutting.  Advertising will be done on Channel 16, all major newspapers and flyers will be placed in the schools, community center and library. Parking will be available in the grassy area behind the ranch style house.  Karl Reichle will be using his personal tractor & trailer if the insurance can be available. Pat Botteron will be checking on the cost of donut holes and cider.  We will purchase gloves and tongs for the food.  We will try to contact the Explorers to see if they can assist with parking.  Roy and Carol may not be there.  Herb Asplund is away and won’t be back in time.

Ray Favreau offered to attend our meetings if needed until a replacement for Jim Snow is appointed.

Old Business

The Discussion on the Master Plan was tabled until next month.  Roy Normen would like better clarification on the map between prospective vs. targeted  properties.  Louise Evans would like to use solid colors on the maps instead of ABC.  Pat Botteron would like more pictures and agrees with Roy that the legends need to be clarified.     

Other Business

Our next meeting will be NOVEMBER 2nd.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen